
Humans, animals and coexistence

          Kingdom Animalia holds a lot of treasure which is unique to itself. From enormous elephants to sprinting Cheetahs and from tiny fingerlings to the mighty blue whale, it is diversified . Aren't we forgetting someone? Oh yes! The Homo sapiens.Yes us humans. Animals have been inhabited this earth millions of years before the humans even came into existence. Even then somehow, we humans managed to dominate these organisms and thus reached the apex of the food or biological pyramid. Being on the top ain't a bad thing but exploiting the other species in this process is definitely bad. And in spite of that  we say that we coexist peacefully with these species. Sounds hilarious, doesn't it ?         Do we actually live in peace with them and is it really as hard as we make it look like? Well lets see. Today, 31% of the total land on the earth is covered by forest area which is approximately just 4 billion hectares. It has various types of them like the tropics, the savann